Genuin FS 1 MK 3

Harmonic construction and simplification with a gorgeous air dried Blumenhofer own 16in-38cm woofer.

When our 16" woofer reached maturity, we finally decided to upgrade the Genuin FS 1 to MK 3 level. The look and structure are essentially the same. The changes are in the inside. The new air dried paper membrane is moved by a really powerful Alnico magnet. This brings the mid-bass of our Genuin FS 1 MK 3 to a complete new level of quality. More bass, more deepness, more richness in the midrange.


• High efficiency
• 2-Ways loudspeaker


• Floor ported Bass-Reflex
• Harmonic construction


• 1,4” Compression Driver with Titan membrane
• 16” air dried Paper-Woofer
• powerful AlNiCo magnet
• Gold plated tellurium copper terminals


• 2-1dB-steps level adjustment for the horn
• Bi-wiring- / Bi-amping -terminals
• Switchable impedance linearisation for the crossover frequency
• Flat impedance curve
• Tube Friendly
• 5 years Warranty

Technical Data

Genuin FS 1 MK 3Genuin FS 2 MK 2Genuin FS 3 MK 2
MaterialMaterialMaterialeBirch plywoodBirke MultiplexMultistrato di betullaBirch plywoodBirke MultiplexMultistrato di betullaBirch plywoodBirke MultiplexMultistrato di betulla
ThicknessMaterialdickeSpessore18mm / 0,75"18mm / 0,75"18mm / 0,75"
Internal BracingVerstrebungIrrigidimentoStructural bracing interactionStrukturelle interaktionInterazione strutturaleStructural bracing interactionStrukturelle interaktionInterazione strutturaleStructural bracing interactionStrukturelle interaktionInterazione strutturale
Cross over chamberKammer für FrequenzweicheVolume separato per filtroNoNoNo
Frequency rangeFrequenzgangRisposta in frequenza35Hz - 20kHz ± 2dB36Hz - 20kHz ± 2dB40Hz - 20kHz ± 2dB
Bass CabinetBass GehäuseCabinet dei bassiHarmonic
Bass Reflex
Bass Reflex
Bass Reflex
PortingBass ReflexCanaleFloorZum BodenA pavimentoFloorZum BodenA pavimentoFloorZum BodenA pavimento
WooferTiefmitteltönerWoofer380mm / 16"300mm / 12"250mm / 10"
MaterialMaterialMaterialeair-dried PaperLuftgetrochnetes PapierCarta asciugata in ariaPaperPapierCartaPaper
P2F® Sandwich
P2F® Sandwich
Sandwich P2F®
Cross over frequencyÜbergangsfrequenzFrequenza di taglio850 Hz1150 Hz1200 Hz
MidhighMittelhochtönerMedioaltiCompression driverKompressionstreiberDriver a compressioneCompression driverKompressionstreiberDriver a compressioneCompression driverKompressionstreiberDriver a compressione
Horn ThroatHornDiametro tromba1,4"1,4"1"
Membrane dimensionsMembranendimensionDimensione Membrana75mm / 3"75mm / 3"44mm / 1,75"
MaterialMaterialMateriale TitaniumTitanTitanio TitaniumTitanTitanioMylar
Max power inputBelastbarkeitPotenza massima (RMS)150 W RMS150 W RMS150 W RMS
EfficiencyWirkungsgradEfficienza96 dB94 dB92 dB
ImpedanceImpedanzImpedenza8 Ohm8 Ohm8 Ohm
Impedance linearizationImpedanzlinearisierungLinearizzazione d'impedenzaYesJaSiYesJaSiYesJaSi
MaterialMaterialMaterialeGold plated
tellurium copper
Vergoldetes tellurium KupferRame tellurio placcato oro
Gold plated
tellurium copper
Vergoldetes tellurium KupferRame tellurio placcato oro
Gold plated
tellurium copper
Vergoldetes tellurium KupferRame tellurio placcato oro
FeetsFüßePiediAdjustable SpykesRegelbare SpykesSpykes regolabiliAdjustable SpykesRegelbare SpykesSpykes regolabiliAdjustable SpykesRegelbare SpykesSpykes regolabili
DimensionsMaßenDimensioni1160 x 450 x 620 mm
45,75 x 17,75 x 24,35 in
1112 x 332 x 455 mm
43,75 x 13 x 18 in
990 x 300 x 355 mm
39 x 11,75 x 14 in
WeightGewichtPeso60 kg45 kg25 kg
Packaging dimensionsVerpackungsmaßenDimensioni imballate130 x 60 x 38 cm120 x 45 x 40
Loudspeakers per cartonLautsprecher per KartonPezzi pro cartone111
Packaging weightVerpackungsgewichtPeso imballate70 kg55 kg30 kg
Center LoudspeakersCenter LautsprecherDiffusori centrali:Genuin CS 2 - TwinGenuin CS 2 - TwinCenter 25
Center 25Center 25Center 20
Center 20Center 17


In our workshop we can offer true-wood veneers.
Wood is a natural product and depending on several factors might have different color and structure. Color and structure variations of the surface are not to be considered flaws.

News about the Genuin FS 1

Fairaudio Highlight for the Gran Gioia 2x10"

We received an highlight from for our Gran Gioia 2x10" 

You can read the full test in German here


Dimensions of the Genuin FS 1 MK 2
