Neuheiten um Blumenhofer Acoustics

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Report from the Swiss High End 2014 in Zürich


We were there, and we had fun!!
We changed everything and in the end everything was even better than last year. What shall I write, the best sign of success is seeing people staying in the room long time and... something I take with me? A customer brought a CD of the Toccata and Fugue of Bach, the classic organ piece. This time I plaid loud and in the end I had such a fantastic feeling of satisfaction and completeness that I only seldom remember. That was music!

The power amplification: Octave V70SE with integrated in the Power Amplifier
Analog source: Dr. Feickert Woodpecker with Tonearm from Jelco and Lyra Delos Cartridge
Digital source: CD Transport from Audio Tonale with DAC from Hegel

Of course the whole cabling from Cammino including the power harmonizer.
If You wish to have a short view of what we did, take a look at the pictures here


Old School HiFi is our new distributor for Sweden


We have been in contact with Jan from Old School HiFi since a longer time. And the personal relationship is working pretty well. We have fun together, we like the same kind of music and the way we listen to music is the same. It feels good drinking a beer and turn the volume up and up and rock until it makes fun!

After some uncertainty on both sides, we decided to work together. Jan Öström is our new distributor for Sweden.

Old School HiFi
Jan Öström

Näckrosvägen 13
90352 Umeå

Tel +46 90-12 59 00
Mob +46 70-659 35 00

Vinylfuif - the party on vinyl at Audio21 in Wapvenweld


These are the Words of Mark van Braam of Audio 21:

"The 12th October, Audio21 in Wapenveld NL held their vinyl-party. In three listening rooms, three sets, the first Gran Gioia with the new preamp of Sonore AC, in the second the FS2 ‘patchwork’ which is probably the most special pair of the world, also with the amps of Sonore AC. The third listening room was filled with the fun13, amp of Pathos Acoustics. And of course vinyl was always the source; Pluto and Dr. Feickert were ‘singing’. Outside in a tent, the local vinyl store showed their new stock. About 150 people came to this charming event, in the most charming hifi-shop of the Netherlands. Next year, the first weekend of may, the second edition of the ‘Vinylfuif’. The word ‘fuif’ is difficult to translate… an other word for ‘party’ which was used in the 80’s."

Here to the picture gallery

Sonore and Pluto Demonstration

Mark van Braam of Audio 21 told me:

"I drove to the south of Holland with the gear, to let hear a group of people (about 40 during the day) the difference between the ‚standard’ Pluto motor and the special ‚Sonore’ motor. Using the FS2. I am the very.. big tall guy, 10th photo, with the white shirt at the left"

Marco de Wilde of Music2 told me:

"Yesterday they were flabbergasted by the FS2’s. Over a 1000 m3 of room (21 by 10 by 5 meters) and a real full range sound! They keep amasing me..."

The whole setup was based on Sonore AC gear using our Genuin FS 2 as a front end, the patchwork one, and according to the words of Mark and what he is doing in these days, it worked out to be a really successful event!!

Here You can enjoy the few pictures I got
Here You can read the comments in Dutch on the Dutch HiFi Forum

2014_09_20-Sonore on Pluto

Göteborg Ljud & Bild 2014

...and now is time to tell the story of our Göteborg Ljud & Bild
We were playing in Hotel Hotel Scandic Opalen, Room Bohus 1, under the flag of Old School HiFi.

The system was an "
old school" system:
- Power Amplifier:
McIntosh MC75 Jubilee edition
- Preamplifier:
McIntosh C220 60 Years edition
- Source: Turntable
McIntosh MT5
- Cartridge: London Decca Special Gold
- Loudspeaker: our new
Genuin FS 1 MK 2
- Cabling and Power Treatment from

The show was great!
Plenty of people interested in what we were making, people appreciating a lot our sound, people enjoying our kind of music and presentation, people spending hours at our booth.
Journalists enthusiastic about the result of our efforts.

Well, I must admit, it has been really convincing and really enjoyable, and honestly sometimes breathtaking for me!!
It made me eager for more. If You are curious,
here You can browse the pictures of the show. See You soon in Scandinavia.


We discontinue the Genuin FS 1

Introduced back in 2004, the Genuin FS 1 is our oldest product. During the years it has been modified 2 times getting a better support for the horn first and then introducing the ARIS feets from Aktyna.
I've lost count, how many we sold of them. But now, even tough it is still a very good product, the drivers are not more available, at leas not at normal prices.
This forces us to discontinue it, after a really long good service and lot of happy customers!


Article on about Blumenhofer

2014_09_15-Logo-Sempre-Audio surprised us with a very nice and well informative article about Blumenhofer Acoustics. Really positive the quantity of information given about and the deep research made by the journalist, Mr. Jürgen Weber-Rom.
Thank You a lot!
It is worth reading, here.


Visit of Walter Kircher - Austria


On the 10th of September Walter Kircher, an Austrian HiFi-blogger, photograph and Sales Representative, paid us a visit. We had a really enjoyable and quite longer listening section of our products combined with a site visit. There is a real mutual understanding of Music, its meaning for the soul, ways to perform and reproduce it. Well, we will work together for Austria.
Here, You can read Walter's report of the visit, and here You can browse the pictures he made in our company. Enjoy!!


Review of the Tempesta 17 on


Wolfgang Kemper from HiFi Statement wrote a charming review of the Tempesta 17.
Helmut Baumgartner made wonderful pictures of the Tempesta 17 we sent him.
The whole review was very appealing and able to highlight the quality of the loudspeaker.

Here You can read it in German and following some statements from the article:

- Regardless what I fed to the Tempesta 17, the result was worth an experience
- This Blumenhofer loudspeaker is extremely tight to the live sound event
- The Tempesta 17 is able to present each kind of music and this even at low volume
- My suggestion for demanding music lovers


AVShowrooms published the video of our room at the Munich High End 2014


In the last part of his report from the Munich High End, Peter Breuninger put a video of our room in the show.

In his comments Peter says that there was a beautiful sound, had a lot of crispiness and no coloration.
At the end he apologized for the volume ...well, we should apologize for the volume, not he, but You know, when it sounds good, I tend to increase it more and more :-)

Thanks Peter for Your positive feedback!!

Here the link to AVShowrooms video on Youtube.
And here to the same video on Google+.

Listening Session: Emiral Audio, Germany


We had an amazing listening session with Emiral Audio, a small company from the north of Germany.
While listening we had longer discussion on market chance and cooperation in several areas of the world: expect some surprises!!
It is really well promising.

We tested their 845 based single ended power amplifier with our Genuin FS 1 MK 2 and on the Fun 17. First with the stock tubes and then with some special 845 we had in our showroom and we had great satisfaction in what we have heard.
In the next future we will get to try their phono preamplifier for a critic listening.
Thank You Ralf and Emil for Your visit, see You soon.
If You are curious, here to some pictures.


Short report on the event in Calco from Angelo Jasparro - Audio Activity


Angelo Jasparro (here in English), a well known and famous italian HiFi Journalist, leads Audio Activity, an Italian online magazine, since several years.
He paid us a visit during the Event in Lecco last week and wrote a short report. Here You can read it in Italian... on a dedicated page ;-)

The Veneer Option Page is online

Finally it will be easier to perform Your choice of the surface of Your unique loudspeaker: we found a way to implement the page for the veneers You could put on a Blumenhofer loudspeaker.
This page is not intended to be exhaustive, it is just a rough idea and will grow with new pictures arriving (courtesy Burger Holzzentrum) in the next future, and, in case of very special veneers or trees with a special story, there will be some more info, like for the Briccole of this picture here.
The idea beyond this is to add examples pages of loudspeakers made with that particular veneer: You will see a "Indian Apple page" with all the loudspeakers we will build with that veneer. This is just a first important step in a customer support direction.
As I said, finally one step further, more to come :-)

This picture is the Venetian Briccole veneer, a really seldom one shot veneer

"Real High Efficiency" event in Calco near Lecco, Italy


On the 28th of June Alta Fedeltà in Calco, near Lecco hosted a very nice event with Blumenhofer.
Here You can read something more about the event. It is written on Italian.
Which Loudspeakers? A Fun 10, a Tempesta 20 and a Genuin FS 2 connected to Octave power amplification.

The Sala Grande room had:

  • whole cabling from Cammino-HP
  • Power harmonization from Cammino as well

The Sala Nuova room presented:

Needles to say that most people spent most of the time in the Sala Grande.
Well, we hat lots of questions and lot of information share, lot of talks and, in between, I had the chance to sit down and enjoy some music: my impression was that there was no system, that everything disappeared and the music came like a wall with a refinement and a description precise like a diamond cut. It had the presence and the richness of a complete symphonic orchestra. Wow a seldom experience!
Here some pictures of the event.


p.s.: during the event we agreed with Angelo Jasparro for a review of the Genuin FS 2 on his online magazine, Audio-activity

Worth mentioning: Stereoplay and Fidelity say

Both Fidelity and Stereoplay mentioned our stand at the Munich High End.

Stereoplay 2014-07 page 11 says: really impressive, the short bass horn which plays astonishingly homogeneous and fine even at low volume.
Fidelity 2014-04 page 62 says: Dynamic like a ride on a cannonball; horns from Blumenhofer and tubes from Allnic combine to a fantastic symbiosis of power and fine spirit

Thank You both for the positive comments!


