Novità su Blumenhofer Acoustics

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X-Fi special CD

During the X-Fi Show, STS-Digital made gift to the first 2000 visitors of the special CD, made for the show. There were that many people at the show, that not all the visitors received the CD. I hope that the 2000 people appreciated the gift… of course, mastered with Blumenhofer :-)


Music in the original Marantz age now as LP as well

The original Marantz CD has now come out as LP as well, You can buy it here online directly by STS-Digital


Ingram Washington CD and LP - Sweet 'n' Low

Another great LP, another best selling product at once.

"Sweet 'n' Low" really enjoyable warm voice and sonorities.


Review of the Fun 13 on now in Italian tested our Fun 13 loudspeaker.
Here You can read the italian version of the review. Have Fun!!


Participation to the HiFi Mässa in Göteborg, Sweden

Our distributor VälLjuD participated to the Göteborg Ljud & Bild 2012. He was very pleased with the result. Next time I'll be there myself to enjoy the chance of enjoy the music in the north!!


Marantz SACD Edition 15, mastered with Blumenhofer

The new Marantz SACD Edition 15 has come on the market. It has been mastered with Blumenhofer Acoustics Genuin FS 1 and Genuin FS 3. Take a look at it, it is worth it, and
here You can purchase it online directly by STS-Digital.


Horten HiFi Show 2012

Our distributor Exotic Audio participated to the Hi Fi Messen in Horten. He says that our products have been well accepted in Norway and Denmark. We are looking forward for happy customers!!


Review of the Genuin FS 2 on


A very nice review of our Genuin FS 2 has come out today on

Here You can read it, on German.
The reviewer writes:
- 'one of the best loudspeaker I've ever tested'
- 'that authentic is rare'
- …



We just received the short version of the report, You can download it here

Introduction of the CDs Product Page

We introduce today a CD product page, where we collect information about the Blumenhofer Acoustics CDs and the CDs mastered with Blumenhofer Acoustics Loudspeakers used as monitor speakers. These CDs are really high quality recordings. There will be the possibility to hear 15s of each song present in the CD (as soon as we get the permission of the CD label). For each CD there will be a link, where it can be purchased. Let's groove :-)

2012_08_21 - Introduction of CDs Webpage

Review of the Fun 13 on tested our Fun 13 loudspeaker.
Here You can read the english version of the review. Have Fun!!


Groove into Bits CD got the album choice award

We met Ken Kessler at the Munich High End and we spent some words with him. During the talk we handed over our Grove into Bits CD and explained in which way we recorded it: directly from the LP and enhanced in the analog domain before going digital. and Ken Kessler awarded our Grove into Bits CD the Album Choice Award for this month and gave us 95% out of 100% in music quality, a very high and rare reward. This is for us the best acknowledgment of our love for the music, this is just a sample of the quality of all our products! You can buy it online at sts-digital. Enjoy the music!


Review of the big Fun 17 on Stereoplay 06/2012

Straight before the Munich High End 2012 Wolfram Eifert tested our big Fun 17.
That article is a really good description of what our loudspeaker is able to do.

You can read it on Stereoplay 06/2012 on page 38 or here online as comparison test or here as single test

2012_06_18-Stereoplay 06-2012

HiFi Event of Audio an Zee in Den Helder on the 16th June 2012

This was the second show of Audio aan Zee in Den Helder. It was all about Blumenhofer, Audio Block and van den Leur amplifiers.


Jordan Acoustics is our new distributor for UK

During the Munich High End 2011 Paul and Tim visited our company. Then shortly before the Munich High End 2012 we had a short conversation and the decision was taken: Jordan Acoustics became Blumenhofer Acoustics Distributor for the United Kingdom. We are looking forward for a positive cooperation. You can reach Jordan Acoustics here:


Tel. +44 1202 911886

Unit 2 - The Old Cart Building
Parley Court Barns
Parley Green Lane
Dorset BH23 6BB

Blumenhofer Acoustics Revisited on Music Emotion June 2012

In the June issue of Music Emotion on page 33 You can read an article about Blumenhofer, another report of a visit in our company with a different setup this time. I just know that there is this article, I still do not know what it says and I can't wait for reading it. Of course on Dutch. Enjoy it.
