News about Blumenhofer Acoustics

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Munich High End 2016


Lot of stories to tell. Lot of satisfactions in several fields.

Miura San (we met him already in Guangzhou 2009), the owner and founder of Air Tight, paid us a visit and spent half an hour with us listening to music. I had the feeling that he enjoyed it.
One Polish journalist came and had a longer talk with me. In the end it came out that he reviewed the Genuin FS 3 MK 2 and dropped his comment on the speaker: "It is a f***ing good loudspeaker, what would You wish more?"
Giulio Cesare Ricci, owner of Fonè, a small but really fine Italian recording company, and organizer of the Gran Galà dell'Alta Fedeltà expositions in Italy, came as well to our room. His idea was to sit down and relax, taking a short nap and saying some circumstances word about our equipment… he could not sleep, at the first tone he jumped on the chair flabbergasted by the quality of the reproduction of his own LPs. We made a short presentation in his room and then he came back several times since! And… he wishes for a cooperation with us in Padova and Milano, where he will present some new records of a famous Italian Rock Star.
An american Tenor, husband of Mr. Jason Victor Serinus from Stereophile, spent longer time in our room and came back several times. In the end I have been shortly interviewed by his husband and received a positive feedback on Stereophile.
A Russian Music lover, who came to our room after each listening in other rooms, just to get his reference back again and start for the next room.
An Englishman, who was surprised that such an 'affordable' system was giving real music, where lot of the others were just asleep and wrong. He spent longer time talking with us to know where to start from to get his system working in the proper way.
A Dutchman who was jumping on the chair for some music and was romantic engaged by other music, really emotional.

What else, there are lot of stories, these are just some that stick more in the head. Other will come up during the next days. Looking forward, positively looking forward for the upcoming news…
Meanwhile, You can have a look at our event pictures here

At the end of the show, one rare moment of quietness.

Review of the Genuin FS 3 MK 2 on AUDIO TEST


On the AUDIO TEST magazine number 04-2016 on page 78 and following You can find a review of our Genuin FS 3 MK 2 written by Mr. Jörg Schumacher. Our loudspeaker earned a Reference Mention. Reading the article arises the impression that the journalist had really fun with our Genuin.

Here You can buy the paper and here the e-paper magazine online


Brochures download

This was one of the most important task to be completed before the show. We now have new brochures and You can even download them from our web pages. Have a look here:


Preview and dry run Munich High End

The page with some preview info about what we will present at the Munich High End is online. If You are curious, You can see it here:


On the 28th we will start the dry run of the show. We will post information here, in the dry run page. If You are curious, stay tuned!

SIAV Shanghai


Even this year we have participate to the SIAV in Shanghai. It was quite a different configuration and it was one of the first time that we played turntables in the far east.
According to the friends participating there, this was a good success!!

Here You can enjoy some pictures of our room at the show.


New Machine: Furnier Presse

One more step for our equipment. We found a pre-owned (but never used) press to put the veneer on wood. And now we have it in our facility.
It was lot of trouble to get it.
If You are curious about the long day of work we had to transfer and install it, here You can see some pictures.


The last Fun 10 left our premises - we discontinue the Fun 10

Introduced back in Mai 2012. We are now forced to discontinue the Fun 10. Some of the components it relied upon are not more available for us.
It helped us to supply one valid product even in the lower market segments, where the competition is fiercer and does not always rely on real quality of sound and of the product.


Soundrevolution in Olten Switzerland


Our distributor, André Aebischer, from was very enthusiastic about the event in Olten. Here are his words in German!

Es war ein sehr erfolgreicher Tag.  Es hatte nicht wahnsinnig viel Leute aber alle hatten viel Interesse.Die Kommentare zu Blumenhofer, Einstein und natürlich Hegel waren sehr positiv!Die meisten kannten Blumenhofer nicht, waren aber erstaunt wie gut die Lautsprecher klingen.Wir planen in Zukunft zwei Events pro Jahr bei Christian zu machen. Einer im Frühling und einer im Herbst.Im EG führten wir folgendes System laufen:Quelle:  Mac Computer (AirPlay) oder CD Transport Gato Audio CDD-1beides über den Hegel Wandler HD30 (Computer USB) und (CD Coaxial Digital.)Verstärker Vollerstärker Hegel H160.Lautsprecher Blumenhofer Tempesta 17Und Strom natürlich über den Cammino HarmonizerIm UG hatten wir folgendes System laufen.Plattenspieler Thales TTT-Compact mit Tonzelle EMT JSD 6Phonovorverstärker von Einstein The little big phonoVollverstärker Einstein The TuneLautsprecher B&W........ ähh sorry Blumenhofer Genuin FS 3 MK 2 Und das ganze wieder über den Cammino Harmonizer.Ich bin froh, dass ich diesen Lautsprecher gekauft habe, der ist wirklich genial!!

For those not speaking German, in the end he says that he is really happy to have a Genuin FS 3 MK 2, it is a gorgeous loudspeaker!!

If You are curious, here some pictures of the event


The Tempesta 17 receives the golden ear award from Stereoplay


Stereoplay awarded our Tempesta 17 with the golden ear award. We were on place 3. We are really engaged and pleased by the quality we have achieved with this product!
Here the original post from the review on, here the page with the awards

Urkunde Goldenes Ohr 2016 stereoplay 30x40_preview_18

Vienna Vinyl Extra


The Vienna Vinyl and Music Fair is an event based on Music. Lots of Gigs, lots of good chances to buy LPs, CDs and any kind of material to play music. (here some pictures from the organizer)
It is not about tools and gears for reproduction of music. It is about music at all.

In this show we had a special room to make what we like: we played music.
Walter took several pictures of the event, here You can watch them on his web pages or here You can have a look at the ones we have chosen.


Review of the Fun 10 on


Wojciech PacuƂa from High tested our Fun 10 in his online magazine. Well, he says in an e-mail to me, that he enjoyed it. And I believe him because I know the qualities of the Fun 10.
If You are curious to read it, here it is, in Polish


Sweetspot Stockholm


The Sweetspot in Stockholm was one of the first trips in the last year that I started with joy, here You can find the page of the show in Stockholm. Although Jan, our distributor, was sick and Marco (our Dutch distributor) and me had to prepare and setup everything.
Well we managed and almost all the people were talking english without problems, therefor we can say that we achieved a good result level.

The setup was amazing:
- Kronzilla stereo power amp, with the big tubes
- Kron preamplifier
- Reed turntable and tonarm
- Van den Hul Canary cartridge

All in all a very sounding system, with an extraordinary look and an extraordinary sex appeal in post industrial design.
My compliments to Maria from OldSchool HiFi to have had these beautiful ideas for the setup: we will copy them :-) and You can have a look at the pictures of the event here


Norddeutsche HiFi Tage 2016

This year Blumenhofer was present in 2 rooms. One room was our room in the 16th floor, shared with Einstein. The other room was in the base floor, driven by the Analog Audio Association.
In the Einstein Room we played the Genuin FS 3 MK 2 signature edition combined with The Amp Ultimate from Einstein and the Air Force III from TechDas turntable.
In the AAA room the Tempesta 17 was playing on an ASR integrated amp with the turntable project from the Analog Audio Association.

Both of the room had lots of visitors and the Tempesta 17 proved itself as a good allrounder to support the several seminars and information happening made by the AAA people.
The Genuin FS 3 MK 2… for me it was the first time I had the chance to use it and test it how it performs in a show environment. I'm pleased, no hassle in setting it up, no problems in having it playing the way we desired, no fatigue during the 2 days of listening… in fact we spent the whole Friday at listening as well: we were ready with the setup really fast! And, as usual, at the end of the Friday we paid a visit to the centre of the town and shopped for LPs: it is always a good moment and a good way to relax.

Here You can enjoy some pictures we take in our rooms, some of them are taken by Walter Kircher



Review of the Tempesta 17 on AV Guide in German


Mr. Daniel Schmid from writes a very positive report about our Tempesta 17. It has been tested in a set with the Hegel 160 and the reporter was widely convinced about the delivered quality.
Here You can read it in German


These are some highlights from the text, in German:

- Die Tempesta 17 schaffte es mühelos die atmosphärische Dichte des Stampen in Stockholm ausdrucksstark zu reproduzieren
- die Wiedergabe hat Charakter und lädt richtig zum Musikhören ein
- Besonders überzeugend dann wieder die sehr akkurate räumlich Abbildung, welche sofern auf der Aufnahmen vorhanden einen herrlichen dreidimensionalen Klangraum erzeugt
- Die präzise und authentische Klangentfaltung bürgt für geschmackvollen und sehr kultivierten Musikgenuss mit hohem Spassfaktor

We discontinue the Fun 13 - wait for the MK 2

We cannot procure the yellow driver anymore. We are forced to quit production of the Fun 13…
…but wait, this well built product of October 2011 will live again.

Soon You will enjoy the Fun 13 MK 2
