Novità sulla Serie Corona

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Beijing - China - international HiFi Exhibition

One of our dealers, bound to Mr. Yang from Guangzhou,


At the Beijing HiFi show played our Tempesta 20 connected to an Ottavio EL 48 power amplifier. I've heard this combination somewhere else and was really extraordinary!

This is the comment of Mr. Bill. Our friend and producer of Ottavio:

Hi Andrea,
The Beijing Hi-end show we got alot of praise.Many of the network media and hifi fans write the reviews.
This show our equiment combination is;
- CD Player: CEC TL3N
- DAC: Apogee Symphony I/O
- Amplifier: Ottavio 84i
- Loudspeakers: Blumenhofer-Acoustics Tempesta20

Here You can see some pictures of the show. The setup was really nice!