News about the Genuin FS 2

Norddeutsche HiFi Tage 2013

What to tell about the Norddeutsche HiFi Tage.
It is one of the most appealing consumer HiFi shows in Germany and like in the last 4 years we had our chance to expose there.
This time it was not intended to be minimalistic it was a really huge system and played really good music.
The groove was there, the energy pushed us to the wall and the wish to increase the volume was there, but we had to spare the ears of our visitors.
The visitors came… and forgot to leave the room. At certain moments it was that full that we were not able to move.

We had a Genuin(e) good sound. This was the setup:

Einstein Vorstufe - The Tube
- Einstein Endstufe - The Poweramp
- Einstein CD Player - The Source
- Einstein Phono Preamplifier - The Turntable's Choice
- Pluto Audio Plattenspieler
- Van den Hul Tonabnehmer
- Cammino H 3.1 Power Harmonizer
- Klangstube Phono Rack

- Blumenhofer Acoustics Lautsprecher - Genuin FS 2

And if You are curious to see some pictures, they are
here in our Gallery.
Thank You and thank the whole Bramsfeld team for the wonderful organization.
Here the link to the HiFi Tage pages.
See You in 2014!
