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Che amplificatori devo usare con i diffusori Blumenhofer?
Real often we get this question. Our Loudspeaker are developed with an eye even on small power amplifiers: they are able to harmonize and the optional bass impedance correction they get even more power amplifier friendly High End is not necessarily expensive, therefore we have tested and developed our speaker even with the affordable components of Musical Fidelity, Exposure and so on. According to our partners (you can recognize some of them in our news) and our dealers, there is plenty of other power amplifier fitting to our equipment: Audionet, Trafomatic, Einstein, MastersounD, McIntosh, Octave are great with our small and big Models. But I think that our list is not finished here... Main rule: experience makes the difference. Ask our retailer and distributors for suggestions. They have lots of alternatives and they are available to give you suggestion, try setups and test our speakers with your personal equipment! Remember to fix an appointment.
Potrebbe per piacere mandarmi una foto del diffusore XXX con rifinitura AAA ed una BBB, al meglio uno di fianco all'altro?
Ich kann Ihnen leider kein Bild mit den 2 Furniere nebeneinander zukommen lassen. Oft haben wir eines der (nicht Standard) Furniere noch nie an dem Lautsprecher angewendet.
Das Bild mit den 2 Furniere nebeneinander ist auch schwierig als Vergleich anzubieten, weil jedes Furnier ein Unikat ist und dementsprechend könnte etwas dunkler oder heller ausfallen oder eine andere Struktur haben, als abgebildet.
Che trattamento superficiale viene applicato?
Bei Holzfurnier benutzen wir keinen Lack, sondern ein Natur Hartholzöl, das ein sehr angenehmes Gefühl beim berühren gibt und kein Risiko an Allergie geben kann.
Die Nachteile, während des ersten Jahres ist es notwendig die Lautsprecher alle 4 Monate ungefähr (wenn sie matt werden und ausgetrocknet ausschauen) nachzuölen
Am ende ist diese Schicht viel stabiler als ein Lack und beim Fall, daß es ein Kratzer entsteht (der das Furnier nicht durchbohrt) ist dieser Kratzer sehr einfach zu reparieren. Dazu gibt diese Oberflächenbehandlung ein viel natürlicheres Berührung-Gefühl als ein Lack oder eine andere Schutzbeschichtung

Bei uns im Werk, werden die Lautsprecher mehrmals nachgeölt, bis sie verpackt und ausgeliefert werden und sie werden nur kurzfristig vor der Auslieferung verpackt.
Holz ist ein Naturprodukt: und wir behandeln alles rigoros natürlich.
==> zum Handbuch
Qual'è la potenza minima suggerita per un amplificatore?
Wir geben absichtlich keine Angaben einer empfohlener Verstärkerleistung, weil das sehr unterschiedlich ist, wieviel Leistung notwendig ist.
Aus mehreren Gründen:
- 10W Röhre sind anders als 10W Transistor
- Die Raumeigenschaften spielen eine wesentliche Rolle in der notwendigen Leistung
- Die Musik Hörgewohnheiten sind auch wichtig (höre ich flüster-leise oder Live Rock Konzert-Pegel)
- Welche Musikrichtung?

Und jetzt aus meiner Erfahrung:
Einmal an einer Messe hatten wir einen Verstärker zur Verfügung, der auch einen Ausgangsleistungs-Messung gemacht hat: an einer Messe mit der Genuin FS 2. Da war mit 10-11 Watt brachial laut. Der normale Bedarf lag bei 6-7 Watt.
Also, ich empfehle immer einen Testversuch im eigenen System.
Cosa significa "non ci interessa l'HiFi ma la musica?
Lot of HiFi producers tend to exaggerate some aspects of music reproduction, so You get full concentration on one single aspect of sorts out of the HiFi chain: You loose focus.

On our side, we always spend time trying to have the best coherence possible between mid high and bass, try to focus on high dynamic behavior using components with lot of reserve and strength. This coherence is not just in kind of sound but as well in speed and impulse, the loudspeakers must be fast, but must have the same speed. Otherwise You get some feeling of delay or mismatch.

Then we want to have long time listening experience, that means being able to listening to music for plenty of hours without rising the feeling of switching off the system due to tiredness. It must play homogeneously. It must deliver the feeling of ease and even at small volumes must be able to deliver full dynamic.

Our reference are not amplified concerts, where the instruments are not going trough a power amplifier or a reproduction system. Of those, we try to have as much enjoyment as possible to be sure to come as near as possible to the reference.
4 Ohm oppure 8 Ohm?
I drive my Blumenhofer with a power amplifier which has both 4 ohm and 8 ohm taps. They are currently connected to the 4 ohm taps. I was wondering if, based on your experience, whether you'd recommend to use the 4 ohm taps or 8 ohm taps.

Our loudspeakers are made according to the 8Ohm definition

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There is a convention to the use of the term "nominal impedance", and if the impedance over the majority of the bandwidth, specifically covering the range in spectrum where majority of the musical spectral power occurs, it's 8 ohms. A single number cannot tell all there is to tell about an impedance that varies with frequency. You must keep in mind that 'nominal impedance' is not defined in IEC. Indeed, the electronics industry was advised when the Trade Descriptions Act was introduced, that the word 'nominal' should no longer be used in specifications. That is why the IEC concept of 'rated value' is so useful. There is a very detailed definition and explanation of this term in IEC60268-2. The IEC standard (IEC60268-3) allows any "increase" above the rated value, but limits the "decrease". The standard does not allow the impedance to fall below the 80 % of the nominal value at any frequency, including DC.
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In the end is the personal taste that decides where is best to connect the loudspeakers to the amplifier. Electrically correct is to connect to the 8Ohm terminals of the power amplifiers, if they are 8Ohm loudspeakers, or to the 4Ohm terminals if they are 4Ohm loudspeakers. But this does not say where the loudspeakers match best or where the way it plays satisfies Your taste the best. The owner of MastersounD prefers to connect them to the 4Ohm terminals, he likes them better this way.

You should decide Yourself where You like them best
Perché non ci sono i bicchierini in plastica per i sottopunta?
Am 16. Mai 2010, nach der HiFi Deluxe in München, nach längerem Testen wir haben beschlossen, die Plastikunterteller für die Spikes nicht mehr mitzuliefern: die bringen keine klangliche Vorteile gegenüber den Stahluntertellern. Um die Entfernung zum Boden der big Fun 17 und der big Fun 20 einzuhalten, haben wir längere Spikes eingeführt. Dieser Vorschlag kam von Volker Bohlmeier von Einstein Audio.
Che tipo di cavi suggerite?
The cables play a key role in the quality and kind of sound achieved in the reproduction.
I cannot suggest one brand instead of the other. This is not fair and it is not good, because we have not tried all the kind of cables and all the brands.
But there is one thing that is clear (and of course it is our humble opinion):
- we had bad experience with silver
- we had very good experience with copper cables
Quando è attiva la linearizzazione di impedenza?
It is active when the bridge is inserted
Che amplificatori hanno bisogno di una linearizzazione di impedenza?
Basic rule:
- most tube amplifiers need a cross over impedance correction
- not all tubes amplifiers need an impedance correction for the lower frequencies
- solid state power amplifiers do not need impedance correction
- digital amplifier do need it

but the most important point: if you like with impedance correction better than without, then you should use it and of course the other way around
big Fun 17 - Cos'è il ponticello nella tromba?
This bridge is the impedance correction bridge for the cross over frequency.
Genuin FS 3 MK 1 - Che differenze ci sono tra la Genuin FS 3 MK 1 vecchia e nuova?
Electrically spoken, the Genuin FS 3 MK 1 has not changed at all
The only difference is the foot of the speaker, which has been adapted to the foot of the other speakers for family look coherency
Genuin FS 3 MK 2 - Che migliorie portano i cambiamenti strutturali?
Ehrlich gesagt, ich kann nicht eine Veränderung nur einer von diesen Maßnahmen zuordnen sondern zur allgemeine Alchemie. Die neue Genuin FS 3 MK 2 ist langen Schritten vor ihrem Vorgänger, es ist ein deutlich einfacheres und reicher Lautsprecher.
Das 25 cm Bass ist deutlich schneller und präziser als der 20er. Die Frage ist in wie weit diese Verbesserung von der Harmonischen Konstruktion eine Folge ist eher als vom Treiber selber.
Surround components - Solo alcuni diffusori hanno un canale centrale dedicato, cosa contate di fare per gli altri?
Home cinema speakers are special finishing and are built only on confirmed order. Some Centers are made to fit to several mains.
Our customer are mainly 2-channel customers therefore we did not have the need to produce the center components to the remaining speakers.
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Surround components - Solo alcuni diffusori hanno diffusori surround dedicati, cosa contate di fare per gli altri?
Home cinema speakers are special finishing and are built only on confirmed order.
Our customer are mainly 2-channel customers therefore we did not have the need to produce the surround components to the remaining speakers.
Do you want to be the first who orders?
Options - La griglia dei diffusori copre solo il woofer o tutta la parte anteriore?
La griglia copre solo il basso.
Le trombe sono protette strutturalmente.